Sunday, August 12, 2018

MEMES Only SLPs Will Laugh At

It's back to school time, and as I think about all that our jobs as SLPs entail, I have to chuckle. I mean, apparently we have super powers because we do SO much (much of which only WE understand) and sometimes it's just plain comical. 

These days, I'm a speech coordinator in a big school district with about 45 SLPs. I headed back to school 3 weeks ago, and the school SLPs have just recently returned. I'm in the process of getting ready for our annual "Back to School Speech Meeting," and I came across the slide show from last year's shindig. I can't believe I never shared it with y'all! 
So here ya go! Better late than never. 

For any non-SLPs here, you're about to get a peek at #slplife...

Oh yeah, if schools had superlatives for staff, we would 100% be voted "most popular" by students! 

Let's make a bet. 

     I mean, we need positive reinforcement, too.  

"Do I have speech today??" 
No buddy, you come on Mondays and Wednesdays, just like you have for the past 22 weeks. 

A little part of me dies inside.

And I have to fix that? 

NO, I REALLY MEANT ARTIC, Mr. Autocorrect!! 

We've all been there. 

I feel your pain, sweetie. 

Yep, so have I. 

You get the good feeling of winning! 

We're good, but we're not magic.

No, you see I can't possibly have a new student because my schedule is finished.  And full. 

You feel me? 

Sometimes you have to be an evil genius to get the job done. 

Then you have to decide whether or not to hunt that person down to discuss your concerns. 

It happens to everyone, right?  


I imagine this is what being attacked by wolves feels like.

Another speech mystery solved by our keen eye and sharp intellect. We deserve a raise.

Better than Christmas.

I can't even. 

Stop the insanity.

I swear I can read.

Uh-Oh, now what? 

QUIET, PEOPLE! Do you have any idea how soft a 20db tone is? 

Been there, done that. Anyone else? 

I'll just leave it at that. jussssst said it correctlyyyyyyyy.

Man, we're good. 

It's okay, little guy. 

Okay. I'm okay. Everything's gonna be okay. 

Ahhhhhhhhh !!!!


YOU get a summer break, and YOU get a summer break!!

Summer break will be here in time, but in the meantime, have the best school year yet! 


  1. Loved this! Thanks for sharing.

    1. You're welcome- I hope they brought you a smile, Jean.

  2. OMG I SOOOOO needed this!! Thank you!

    1. hahah we have to laugh about this stuff :) You're welcome!

  3. Every single one IS SPOT ON!! Great job!!

  4. LOVE these!!! I can relate to every single one!

  5. Love this!! SO funny and relatable : )

  6. This definitely speaks the truth! I love this! Thanks for the laugh!

  7. This gave me a good laugh, tried sharing with my husband not sure if he fully!!! Love it!
